‹ Thursday, November 9, 2023 › | |
›8:30 (30min)
8:30 - 9:00 (30min)
Registration and preparation
Registration and badges
›9:00 (20min)
Welcoming and Introduction
Scientific directory of AgroParisTech / Paris Saclay / French National Reference Laboratory / US Embassy › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
9:00 - 9:20 (20min)
Welcoming and Introduction
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Scientific directory of AgroParisTech / Paris Saclay / French National Reference Laboratory / US Embassy
9:20 - 10:40 (1h20)
Motivation and goal of the PPWR
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Phuong-Mai NGUYEN
›9:20 (20min)
Consequences of the PPWR on the corrugated industry
Kareen DESBOUIS. Carton Ondulé de France, Paris, France. › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
9:20 - 9:40 (20min)
Consequences of the PPWR on the corrugated industry
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Kareen DESBOUIS. Carton Ondulé de France, Paris, France.
›9:40 (20min)
› Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
9:40 - 10:00 (20min)
EFSA Criteria for the Safety Assesment of Recycled PET
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
›10:00 (20min)
The revised EU rules on packaging and packaging waste - will they bring the much needed focus on prevention?
Dorota NAPIERSKA, Toxic-free Circular Economy Policy Officer, Zero Waste Europe › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
10:00 - 10:20 (20min)
The revised EU rules on packaging and packaging waste - will they bring the much needed focus on prevention?
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Dorota NAPIERSKA, Toxic-free Circular Economy Policy Officer, Zero Waste Europe
›10:20 (20min)
› Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
10:20 - 10:40 (20min)
Packaging development to stop food waste
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Helén WILLIAMS, Karlstad University, Sweden
10:40 - 11:00 (20min)
Coffee break
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
›11:00 (1h30)
› Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Evolving PKG Regulation in China, South America, and North America
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Rafael AURAS
›11:00 (20min)
Risk assessment of recycling plastics for food contact purposes in China
Xining (Eric) XIA - Institute of Quality Standard and Testing Technology for Agro-products, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
11:00 - 11:20 (20min)
Risk assessment of recycling plastics for food contact purposes in China
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Xining (Eric) XIA - Institute of Quality Standard and Testing Technology for Agro-products, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China.
›11:25 (20min)
Status and Prospects of Packaging Plastics and Cardboard Recycling in China
Xiaowei SONG, National Institute of Metrology. Center for Environmental Metrology, Beijing, China › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
11:25 - 11:45 (20min)
Status and Prospects of Packaging Plastics and Cardboard Recycling in China
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Xiaowei SONG, National Institute of Metrology. Center for Environmental Metrology, Beijing, China
›11:45 (20min)
Trends in regulation for food packaging in Chile
Maria J. GALOTTO. LABEN CHILE. University of Santiago de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Chile › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
11:45 - 12:05 (20min)
Trends in regulation for food packaging in Chile
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Maria J. GALOTTO. LABEN CHILE. University of Santiago de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Chile
›12:10 (20min)
Top Down or Patchwork? Emerging Sustainable Packaging Regulations in North America
Andrew STEPHENS, Senior Policy Advisor Processed Products | Trade Policy and Geographic Affairs, Foreign Agricultural Service, Washington, DC, U.S. › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
12:10 - 12:30 (20min)
Top Down or Patchwork? Emerging Sustainable Packaging Regulations in North America
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Andrew STEPHENS, Senior Policy Advisor Processed Products | Trade Policy and Geographic Affairs, Foreign Agricultural Service, Washington, DC, U.S.
12:30 - 13:30 (1h)
Lunch - Buffet
Canopy (Building A, last floor)
›13:30 (1h30)
› Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
13:30 - 15:00 (1h30)
Public Regulatory Agencies in the EU and the US
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Olivier VITRAC
›13:30 (25min)
History and evolution of food contact packaging approval
Maria Rosaria MILANA, former Italian National Institute of Health - ISS › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
13:30 - 13:55 (25min)
History and evolution of food contact packaging approval
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Maria Rosaria MILANA, former Italian National Institute of Health - ISS
›14:00 (25min)
› Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
14:00 - 14:25 (25min)
Recycled Plastics in Food Packaging
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Sean FISCHER. U.S. Food & Drug Administration
›14:30 (25min)
EFSA safety evaluation of mechanical recycling processes used to produce polyethylene terephthalate (PET) intended for food contact applications
Eric BARTHELEMY, Senior Scientific Officer for Food Contact Materials, FIP Unit, European Food Safety Authority › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
14:30 - 14:55 (25min)
EFSA safety evaluation of mechanical recycling processes used to produce polyethylene terephthalate (PET) intended for food contact applications
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Eric BARTHELEMY, Senior Scientific Officer for Food Contact Materials, FIP Unit, European Food Safety Authority
15:00 - 15:30 (30min)
Coffee break
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
15:30 - 17:20 (1h50)
Packaging Recycling
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Rafael AURAS
›15:30 (30min)
APR and RecyClass - Different Geographies, Common Purpose
Curt Cozart1, Fabrizio Di Gregorio2, and Scott Trenor1 1 Association of Plastics Recyclers and 2 Plastics Recyclers Europe / RecyClass › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
15:30 - 16:00 (30min)
APR and RecyClass - Different Geographies, Common Purpose
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Curt Cozart1, Fabrizio Di Gregorio2, and Scott Trenor1 1 Association of Plastics Recyclers and 2 Plastics Recyclers Europe / RecyClass
›16:00 (30min)
› Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
16:00 - 16:30 (30min)
Safety of Recycled Polyolefins
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Celine ABAD – CosPaTox - Cosmetics, Packaging and Toxicology
›16:30 (25min)
› Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
16:30 - 16:55 (25min)
Safety Issues for Recycled PET.
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Olivier VITRAC, INRAe – University of Paris-Saclay, Paris, France
›16:55 (25min)
The contamination of food by recycled paper and board packaging starts at the scale of fibers
Lucas BIANT, Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParisTech, 91120, Palaiseau, France › Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
16:55 - 17:20 (25min)
The contamination of food by recycled paper and board packaging starts at the scale of fibers
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
Lucas BIANT, Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParisTech, 91120, Palaiseau, France
17:20 - 17:50 (30min)
Wrap Day One
Salle du conseil - Room B1.24
›17:50 (1h)
17:50 - 18:50 (1h)
Paris-Saclay Facilities
Tour of the new Installation of the Paris-Saclay Facilities for Packaging Research
19:00 - 21:00 (2h)
Dinner - Restaurant
Living room
Session | Speech | Logistics | Break | Tour |